The Property Industry Foundation will contribute $40,000 of funding towards a Youth Engagement & Wellbeing Project to be delivered by Act for Kids at their new Moreton Centre – a Haven Project Funds for the project were raised at the Villaworld Homes by Avid Property Group Golf Classic held on 24 November 2023 in Queensland.
Tom McIntyre, Executive Director Service Strategy and Growth from Act for Kids says there is great need in the Morayfield-Caboolture region for a specific youth wellness program. “In this region, 22 per cent of people experiencing homelessness are under the age of 19 years old. To improve outcomes for young people and their families, Act for Kids has developed a Youth Engagement & Wellbeing Project to be delivered from the organisation’s Moreton Centre,” says Tom.
The Morayfield-Caboolture region has higher rates of adverse childhood experiences, poverty, and unemployment than overall state and national figures (*Dropping off the Edge report 2021). “The anticipated benefit and impact of the project is for participants to become emotionally resilient young people, equipped to build positive relationships and a purposeful future,” says Tom. “It aims to prevent relationship and sexual violence before it occurs by changing attitudes, norms and behaviours, as well as give young people the tools to navigate challenges and regulate their emotions.”

Rebecca Field, Event & Engagement Manager QLD, Property Industry Foundation with Tom McIntyre, Executive Director Service Strategy and Growth and Geoffrey Devereaux, Team Leader (Safe Families) from Act for Kids.
The project is a continuation of nearly a decade of partnership between the Property Industry Foundation and Act for Kids – benefiting young people and their families in Queensland. “Act for Kids is incredibly grateful to have received significant financial and other support from the Property Industry Foundation in a partnership spanning more than nine years,” says Tom. “This continued collaboration will ensure ongoing benefits for young people and their families in Queensland through the delivery of programs and services. One example of this is the key role Property Industry Foundation played in helping Act for Kids renovate a dilapidated building into a purpose-built centre for youth and family services, now known as our Moreton Centre.”
“Act for Kids is incredibly grateful to have received significant financial and other support from the Property Industry Foundation in a partnership spanning more than nine years,”
Tom McIntyre, Act for Kids

Property Industry Foundation QLD State Manager, Antoinette Rusby-Perera says it’s projects like these that can really impact youth homelessness. “Frontline charities like Act for Kids are the real heroes when it comes to breaking intergenerational trauma, and the Property Industry Foundation understands the importance and strong need for a project like this, that’s why we are continuing to support Act for Kids at the Moreton Centre. The Property Industry Foundation looks forward to seeing the progress and positive impact the Youth Engagement & Wellbeing Project will have on the community. Special thanks again to Villaworld Homes By Avid Property Group for helping us make this possible.”