The first-ever Dulux Golf Day took place on Monday! It was a day of golfing excellence with 30 teams teeing off at the Concord Golf Course in Sydney in support of the Foundation’s mission to build homes for homeless youth in need.

The sun shone as guests were welcomed with morning tea and some extra golf gear to help dress the part. Teams then took to the scenic 18 hole course Ambrose style and began what was a sensational day of golfing. We even had a celebrity guest appearance from the Dulux dog to help rally those having off games.
The day was then followed by an intimate lunch for our golfers to connect over their game and get in on the great raffle prizes on offer. Cameron O’Brien from Dulux and Foundation CEO Kate Mills got up and shared in their appreciation to everyone that came down and enjoyed their time with us.
The day on the green, with the support of our amazing supporters, has raised close to $45,000 through golfing and raffle prizes! A big thank you to everyone that enjoyed the day out and a special thank you to Dulux Construction Solutions for making a great golfing day that much more special by helping support homeless young Australians.