Chris Davis, Head of Logistics, The GPT Group is planning to take on the 10km or 20km walk in the Sydney Tour de PIF and enjoy a social stroll with colleagues. We talked to him about why the event has become such a special day on the industry calendar.

What is so wonderful about Sydney Tour de PIF?
With a guaranteed vibe of enthusiasm, encouragement and enjoyment, the annual Sydney Tour de PIF is a great event that I look forward to every year. It provides the opportunity to fundraise for an important cause in an outdoor setting, alongside your own team and colleagues from the industry. The Foundation and the event sponsors do a brilliant job in bringing together people for a day, providing lots of participation options – ranging from the competitive, to the casual walker, along with the ability to volunteer on the day. There’s also a great spread of food and drinks, accompanied by music and activities.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
With this year’s change in location to Terrey Hills and lots of different formats, I’m expecting an even bigger event than previous years, amplifying the buzz across the day, and reaching record-breaking fundraising.
What event are you participating in?
I’ll likely stick to the 10km or 20km walk and have a social day with our team and other people across the industry.
Will your organisation, The GPT Group put forward a team this year?
We most certainly will, with this year’s team already surpassing previous event numbers. The competitive streak amongst our team will further boost our fundraising efforts, and likely consume weekends in the lead up to the event with many secretly engaging in training.

Join Chris and sign up for a walk, run or cycle event and help us raise $200,000 to go towards Haven Project builds like Haven House South Dowling, a flagship 19-bed homeless youth facility in Darlinghurst in partnership with the Salvation Army. Registrations are open now!