By the end of the year, PIF House Clayton will be completed. This four-bedroom home for the Lighthouse Foundation in Melbourne’s south-east is especially for at-risk youth. One of those bedrooms has been funded by ISPT, a second bedroom has been funded by PAYCE Security Group and a third has been funded by ANZ.
From the beginning of 2022, PIF House Clayton will be the base for a holistic therapeutic live-in care program for homeless youths aged from 15 -22 years. It will accommodate up to four young people and two live-in carers and will be run by the Lighthouse Foundation. This home is about so much more than providing just a roof for homeless young people. It’s about providing a home in every sense of the word.
ISPT have invested in the lives of the young people who will be living at PIF House Clayton.
ISPT is committed to creating growth for people and places through property and has a focus on having a positive impact on the lives and futures of communities.
“Creating positive social outcomes and supporting local causes in the communities in which we live, shop and work, is a key aspect of ISPT’s approach to responsible investing. Our partnership with the Property Industry Foundation and contribution to Clayton house brings this commitment to life – we’re not just investing in property; we’re building better and more sustainable futures for future generations,”
Said Alicia Maynard, General Manager, Sustainability & Technical Services.
Frasers Property Group, the Property Industry Foundation (the Foundation) and the Lighthouse Foundation have coordinated this project, leveraging their collective supply chain networks to bring PIF House Clayton to life. The success of the initiative relies on the contributions of valued companies across the property and construction industry providing funds, like ISPT, as well as donating materials, time, and expertise to the project pro-bono.
PAYCE Security Group cares about the future of young Australians
PAYCE Security Group has funded a second bedroom in this four-bedroom home for homeless youth.
“We are proud to be involved with the Property Industry Foundation’s House Program. It has show us that not everyone is able to access a safe and secure home environment and how important it is to help these young people turn their lives around.”
Said Bridie Thomas, General Manager, PAYCE Security Group.

There is a lack of medium-to-long term supported accommodation, which means young people are often rushed into independent living before they have developed the necessary living skills to maintain a tenancy, setting young people up to fail. This new home will help fill this gap.
Every home that the Property Industry Foundation builds provides homeless youth with a place to live and the chance at a fresh start
Here is Australia, one in four Australians experiencing homelessness are children and young people aged 12-24.
However, together with support from companies like PAYCE Security Group, we, as an industry, build a tangible solution to youth homelessness and provide a foundation of opportunity from which these young people can determine their future.