Charity Partners
Partnering with other Charities

Increasing Housing for Homeless Youth
80% of our capital, time and energy is focused on building homes for well-established youth homelessness charities which then operate them.
Our Unique Model
A frontline youth homelessness service comes to the Foundation with a capital campaign project for more housing or safe spaces for young Australians in need.
The Foundation works with our partners in the construction and property industry to source in-kind products and services for each Haven Project. This means it finishes up being around 50% funded by cash and 50% funded by in-kind donations, depending on the project.
The Property Foundation’s aim is that for every $1 invested in a Haven Project results in $2 in value.

Systemic Change
The Property Industry Foundation knows that to end youth homelessness will require wholescale change. That is why the Foundation has moved to putting 20% of our capital, time and energy into supporting initiatives that bring about systemic change.
This kind of approach requires the Foundation to look at the system as a whole and support initiatives and programs that seek to redesign the homeless youth system to get a better result for our vulnerable youth.
If your charitable organisation is interested in becoming a Property Industry Foundation beneficiary, please review our National Funding Guidelines and if you meet the criteria, complete and submit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a registered charity?
Yes, we work with registered charities and require your Registered Charity number, your ABN and your Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status as part of the application.
What type of projects do you fund?
At least 80% of our funding is focused on The Haven Project that helps frontline youth homelessness charities with their capital campaign projects for housing or safe spaces for young people in need. The remaining 20% will support initiatives and programs that seek to redesign the homeless youth system to get a better result for our vulnerable youth.
What geographical areas do you work in?
We typically partner with charities on building projects in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, however if you have an initiative or program that focuses on Systemic Change, your location can be outside of those states but still in Australia.
How much will the Foundation give to a charity partner for a capital project?
Our submission form includes questions about the building project such as operating costs, ownership of land, who is residing in the housing – all which provide information for the project approval process. There may be additional information requested depending on the size of the project.
Do you have funding windows?
The Foundation accepts applications throughout the year.
How long does the approval process take?
The approval process varies depending on the size of the project. You will be contact once your application is received, and the timeline will be discussed and agree.
What reporting does the Foundation require about the project?
The Foundation requires the completion of a bi-annual beneficiary report which includes yearly data on the young people in the program.
What else does the Foundation require as part of the partnership with the other charity?
The Foundation would like the following:
To be able to provide its corporate donors with working bee days with the charity partner.
The charity partner to provide case studies/interviews of program participants.
To be able to provide its employees and potential corporate donors with a tour of your premises/house/program.
Confirmation that the charity partner can provide receipts for all donations made by the Foundation.
The charity partner employees to provide testimonials of the Foundation’s assistance via the Foundation’s website and potentially attend Foundation events to promote works to stakeholders.