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Work is underway on a refurb of community rooms at The Girls & Boys Brigade in Sydney’s Surry Hills. This vital organisation offers support programs for young people and their families experiencing financial, social, educational and housing challenges. Taylor is leading the renovation project, an extension of the pro bono work they did to improve The Girls & Boys Brigade’s staff offices in 2020.

“The goal is to improve the facility for the children and staff, upgrading the amenities, kitchen, sports court, and accessibility; making the space more useful to the community,” says Jason Tulich, Project Manager at Taylor. “All levels will now be wheelchair accessible, with an accessible bathroom installed on the lower ground floor.”

Stefan Lamour-Jansson, Executive Officer, The Girls & Boys Brigade says the renovations will make a big difference to the space and their programs. “The GBB building is over 110 years old. Very few renovations and improvements have been made on the building, especially in the last few decades. The program rooms are tired and needing some new energy. The needs of the children and youth who use these spaces has also changed since they were last renovated. This upgrade will provide them with safe spaces that they can learn, play, and relax in, that include the best amenities around.”

This project relies on the collective efforts of the construction and building partners involved. “The work renovating the ground floor of the building is a great example of how the support of partners can multiply the effectiveness of money provided to the Girls & Boys Brigade,” says Jason. “Partners such as Glad Group, Tycen, Dulux, Milliken, Armstrong Flooring and Brooklands Engineering have all donated building works in some capacity to extend the effectiveness of the money spent improving the facility.”

Unispace has also chipped in with a variety of support. “Unispace has happily provided pro-bono services for the Girls & Boys Brigade refurbishment, including design services, furniture and AV provision and the management of the council approval process,” says Stephen McDonald, Client Development. “We’ve really enjoyed contributing and collaborating with the various partners that the Property Industry Foundation have brought to the table on the refurbishment of the Surry Hills site. The work the Foundation do for youth homelessness and local community services is incredibly important and Unispace have been more than happy to support this initiative, which resonates with one of our core values of giving back.”

“The collaboration and involvement of Taylor, the Property Industry Foundation, and countless subcontractors and suppliers has been better than what we could have hoped for,” adds Stefan. “The willingness to help out a small community charity to improve the spaces and amenities for those most vulnerable has been humbling for us. As we receive no government funding, we rely on in-kind support like this to make these projects a reality. The help that Taylor and the Foundation have given us, above and beyond the contract scope, has been more than we could have ever asked for and will create a lasting legacy in the community.”

With the refurb expected to be completed in early to mid-February 2023, the team are exploring options for a staged early handover of some areas. “Working with The Girls & Boys Brigade, as well as the Property Industry Foundation is an absolute pleasure,” says Jason. “Collectively we are working as an efficient team, solving challenges as they arise and pushing the project closer to completion together.”

Jason also joined 17 Taylor’s team members during the recent Sydney SleepOut in Centennial Park on 10 November. “I am a big supporter of the cause,” he says. “It’s important to provide this additional support to the community wherever possible to help out people in need.”