Haven House South Dowling gets underway, with a DA lodgement and lease signalling a new chapter in the ambitious project.
Haven House South Dowling has reached a significant milestone, with the lodging of a DA with the City of Sydney and the signing of the head lease with the City of Sydney and sub lease with The Salvation Army. “This represents an exciting period for all of us, as Haven House South Dowling is a unique step in the journey of the Property Industry Foundation,” says Steve Gatt, Acting CEO. “This is the Foundation’s most ambitious project in our 25 year history, bringing to the market 10 apartments (19 bedrooms) for young people experiencing homelessness. This endeavour will extend the Foundation’s fundraising capability as we are having to raise $5.5M in cash and pro-bono services. This is a mountain to climb but we are confident of the ongoing support from our generous donors and family trusts and foundations.”
The facility will be managed by The Salvation Army, offering safe, appropriate and affordable transitional accommodation to young people between 16 to 24 years of age, currently experiencing homelessness. “By partnering with one of the country’s most trusted charities, The Salvation Army, the Foundation has ensured residents of Haven House South Dowling will have access to a wide range of programs and services which address the often-complex health and welfare needs of young people experiencing homelessness, such as domestic violence and mental health issues,” says Steve.

Over 20 partners in the property and construction industry have provided pro-bono, in-kind and services at cost to design, advise, and project manage Haven House South Dowling. “The Foundation is extremely grateful to have such a hard-working and dedicated team,” says Steve. “We would especially like to thank Minter Ellison for helping to manage the legal complexity of the arrangements, our NSW Haven House Committee for their guidance and stewardship, our designated building partner Roberts Co. and the huge team of consultants who have contributed their expertise to the project to date:”
- Fitzpatrick + partners
- Essence Project Management
- Ethos Urban
- Steve Watson & Partners
- McKenzie Group
- WT Partnership
- Cundall
- Northrop Consulting Engineering Services
- E-LAB Consulting
- Arcadia Landscape Architecture
- Xavier Knight
- Morris Goding Access Consulting
- Douglas Partners
- Prensa
- Urbis
- Elephant’s Foot
- Motion Traffic
- Total Survey Solutions
- Warren Smith Consulting Engineers
- Advanced Treescape Consulting
- Make Models
Our next milestone is obtaining DA approval, finalising design and breaking ground to bring this project to life. “Demand for transitional accommodation with wrap-around support for young people in need increasingly exceeds supply. Once complete, Haven House South Dowling will significantly add to the accommodation available to young people experiencing homelessness,” says Steve.