Tax Appeal to build PIF Homes
Please support our end of financial year fundraising appeal, as we raise money to help young people living in a PIF House.
At the end of last year PIF had built 85 bedrooms and those bedrooms had given safety and shelter to 314 young people in 2019. At PIF we are as committed to building as ever and so we focus on the build while our partner charities run the houses that we deliver.
But we keep a close relationship with those charities and what we are hearing is that they are finding it tough. Government support has been great, but the demand for the services of frontline charities has been enormous.
It costs just $85 to feed a young person in a PIF House for a whole week. Our appeal to all our supporters including you is a request to donate whatever you can.
$85 is all it takes to help feed a young person for a week.
All donations over $2 are 100% tax-deductable. And 100% of all funds raised will be disbursed to our network of PIF Houses across Australia.
If you are in a position to make a donation, we can make sure no one in a PIF House goes hungry.