The Property Industry Foundation warmly welcomes Jackson Hills to the Board of Advisors (BOA) in Queensland.
Jackson has spent more than 15 years working for not-for-profit and community organisations and worked in all three tiers of Government. He’s currently leading the policy and strategic engagement efforts at Q Shelter, Queensland’s peak body for affordable housing and homelessness services. We talked to Jackson about his appointment.

Why did you want to join the Board of Advisors in QLD?
I’m interested in any opportunities that lead to the property industry and non-profit sector working more closely together around solving homelessness and housing. I also support the focus on youth homelessness; one of the fastest growing cohorts of need in Queensland. It’s a cohort, that if impacted early enough, can have such a positive impact on future life stages.
“It’s amazing that the Property Industry Foundation exists, and that the wider industry is so passionate about playing its role in ensuring homelessness is brief, rare, and not recurring .”
Jackson Hills, Q Shelter
What have been your previous interactions with the Foundation?
I presented to the Queensland BOA on the housing and homelessness ecosystem here in Queensland and the opportunities for developing innovative projects, in partnership with the development industry, that help solve wicked problems in these areas.
What do you think is so important about the work the Foundation does?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs tells us that until the most basic human needs are met, it’s hard for people to progress in life. This includes food, water, and quite clearly shelter. Too often those needs are not being met in this current housing market, and an alarming number of young people are reporting at risk of homelessness, or worse, living rough on the streets. Delivering the housing and support programs needed for our youth is complex and the Foundation is uniquely placed to help on the built-form side, with access to developers, builders, and other trades that can be particularly useful in making some of these projects stack up, through contra, in-kind support and other arrangements.
What Foundation events and fundraisers do you hope to join in 2024?
I’d really like to attend the Hike for Homeless Youth event in April and any of the Queensland events throughout the year. I have previously sponsored a few colleagues in the SleepOut events too, so that may be on the hit list – schedule permitting.

What do you hope to achieve with the Board in 2024 and beyond?
I feel like I can add value in terms of insights into the housing and homelessness system, government policy and investment, and particularly how the non-profit community housing providers (CHPs) and service providers might partner with the development industry on key projects and innovative models of housing and support. I’d like to participate in discussions about growing the Foundation, and the fundraising base, so that more projects can be supported here in Queensland.
“I’d like to participate in discussions about growing the Foundation, and the fundraising base, so that more projects can be supported here in Queensland.”
Jackson Hills, Q Shelter
How will your experience in Policy and Strategic Engagement at Q Shelter assist the Board?
At Q Shelter, I’m responsible for our wide-ranging policy and research agenda, which encompasses the ‘whole housing system’. It includes looking at best practice models here in Australia and overseas. It also includes interpreting the funding opportunities for submarket housing delivery here in Queensland. Increasingly, we are looking to examples through partnerships in housing development, influencing good precinct design and community cohesiveness. We have facilitated many of those discussions across Queensland and I feel like I can bring those insights and experiences to discuss at the Foundation, that might also underpin future project work and delivery.
Do you have any personal connection to homelessness?
Yes, unfortunately I do know several people that have ended up in housing stress or homelessness. I’ve had the benefit of volunteering at several charity services, like Set Free Care and The Salvation Army on the Gold Coast, where I have met hundreds of people impacted by these issues. There are also some amazing people working in the sector that help people every day, and I know many of them as well.
What are your passions outside work?
I like to go to the gym. My family and I reside on the Gold Coast, so we love getting to the water too. I also love my sport and particularly enjoy going to the football during the winter season. I enjoy listening to podcasts to aid in my own ongoing development. My favourite listen at the moment is property podcast ‘The Elephant in the Room’ by Veronica Morgan.