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More homes for the homeless in 2021

A disappointing 2020 came to a close with positive news for the new year. With the help of WSP and Hacer, the house build for Melbourne City Mission (MCM) West Refuge was able to officially recommence construction at the end of last year. This 10 bedroom project getting back on the tools means the property will be on track to start housing young people in need by mid-2021! With 24 hour carers and a fresh environment to learn and grow, this exciting project is looking to make its mark on young lives.

The Property Industry Foundation has worked with MCM in the past to build youth accommodation for Melbourne’s at-risk youngsters needing the space and support to kick start their positive futures, creating an exciting opportunity to support young Victorian’s.

Every bedroom built doesn’t just provide for the young person residing within, but also provides future bedrooms for the needy as young people grow into self-reliant individuals having an empowering knock-on effect for years to come.

Building site

UPDATE: Fantastic progress being made by Hacer at the west refuge site. Roof work, windows and brickwork are moving at a rapid pace. The Hacer team is a full month ahead of schedule the help MCM get this house off the ground for those that really need it.