Inspecting a promising site
The Property Industry Foundation and our partners are collaborating to get more homes for homeless youth off the ground in 2021 (see the other project we have back in action). A group from the Foundation, Essence Project Management and ADCO Constructions met up with the Stepping Stone House team in Dulwich Hill to get the ball rolling on the renovations that will take place. Turning this house into a home where 5 young people can rebuild their lives with the care and support of Stepping Stone House.

(From left to right front row) Callan Salter, Essence PM; Naoise Gogan, Essence PM; Tim Rassmussen, ADCO; Adrian O’Connor, Property Industry Foundation. (From left to right back row) Michael Kouknas, ADCO; Jennifer Lavery, Essence PM; Max Connery, Chair, Stepping Stone House Foundation.
The plan is to renovate and modernise the home for 5 young people (3 identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, 2 who do not), and one Stepping Stone House youth worker who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Renovations planned are:
- Alterations and additions to the existing residential dwelling for use as a ‘group home’.
- The provision for upgraded bathrooms and kitchen/dining area within the envelope of the existing structure.
- A new extension comprising of a lounge area and accessible toilet/laundry bound by a paved patio area is proposed as part of the works.

The house (much like the youth that will call it home), holds fantastic potential to make a positive change that will impact the lives of the many people involved in this great project. The Property Industry Foundation believes that every young Australian deserves a safe, secure home environment and with organisations like ADCO and Essence, that vision comes ever closer to being a reality.