On Wednesday 12th July a group of Queensland Future Leaders, Board members and corporate partners put on their hair nets and aprons and came together to volunteer at the FareShare kitchen in Brisbane. in 3.5 hours the group helped prepare and portion 2049 meals for those in need.
Thank you to:
Kathy Mac Dermott
The Bluebird Property team
The Blight Rayner team
The Destination Gold Coast Consortium team
- The Lancini Group team

FareShare is a charity kitchen that rescues quality products destined for landfill and turns them into meals for those in need. Each year FareShare cooks over a million meals each year which are distributed across QLD to front line homelessness charities, the elderly and rural or isolated communities. The Foundation is proud to be partnering with FareShare to provide our corporate donors with rewarding and team building volunteering opportunities.