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A day on the water as a stepping stone for homeless youth

The Sydney PIF Charity Regatta is happening this month at the beautiful Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. The day will bring us together not only as an industry but as a community that is committed to helping make a difference in the lives of young people in need.

Making a difference for Dulwich Hill

Dulwich Hill is a house project for Stepping Stone House in partnership with ADCO Construction. This 5 bedroom home will be receiving a full-scale renovation that will create security and opportunity that a growing young person needs and deserves. The Property Industry Foundation is excited by the prospect of bringing back events that unite us as industry and community to spend time with one another and give back to help end youth homelessness for Australians in 2021!

  • 70% of homeless young people leave home to escape family violence, child abuse or family breakdown
  • $6B approx total cost of child abuse and neglect
  • 63% of homeless youth have a state care history

*Sourced Stepping Stone House

How you can get on a boat this Regatta

At this moment, due to current COVID-19 restrictions, our capacity for the onshore event is sold out. However, you can still participate by taking out a yacht and entering the race, or you can take out a spectator boat for a glorious day on the harbour.