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Stantec come on board

Stantec and the Property Industry Foundation are continuing to build our great relationship to provide more for those who have less.

Stantec designs with the community in mind, and with 44,000[1] homeless young people in Australia, there is not a community more in need than our youth.

“Stantec acknowledges that the future is in the hands of our youth. With the compiling financial and domestic pressures many families and youth face today, we could see how so many young people are able to slip through the system and ultimately struggle to get back on their feet or reach their full potential,”

Meisha Stevens, Acoustic Project Engineer.

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As a proactive member of the property and construction industry, Stantec has been working with the Foundation through the years to provide support in any way possible. Charity Regattas (as seen in images), Ball nights, PCA raffle drives or donations, Stantec has shown time and time again that making an impact in the lives of homeless youth comes in many shapes and sizes.

“Stantec, formerly as Wood & Grieve Engineers, have recently decided to maximise our impact by becoming a gold donor, to actively engage more with the community and projects PIF offer,” says Meisha.

“Stantec also have a strong Reconciliation Action Plan, and acknowledge the incredible percentage of Indigenous Australian youths who are homeless,” Meisha continued. “We hope to provide some relief through the Property Industry Foundation to give them an opportunity to thrive by removing the added stress of considering where they will take a shower, or sleep for the night.”

Men in 20's dress up

According to Mission Australia’s youth homelessness report, Staying Home, the prevalence of homelessness among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is higher due to severe and entrenched socioeconomic disadvantage, a severe shortage of appropriate housing in remote locations and a history of dispossession and systematic racism. Overcrowding is a particular issue for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.[2]

“We, at the Property Industry Foundation, thank Stantec for not only being a proactive partner, but also for highlighting the over representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the continuing issue of youth homelessness in Australia,” said Kate Mills, CEO, Property Industry Foundation.

“Everybody needs a helping hand at one time or another, this is our chance to help provide that hand to somebody in need,” says Meisha.

[1] Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016
[2] Hall, S., Fildes, J., Liyanarachchi, D., Hicking, V., Plummer, J. and E. Tiller (2020) Staying home: A Youth Survey report on young people’s experience of homelessness. Mission Australia: Sydney, NSW.