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Bringing back a modern classic

The Property Industry’s 30-Day Fitness Challenge is back to get you and your colleagues mentally and physically fit in the name of supporting homeless youth. Last year, the 30-Day Fitness Challenge kept our industry and community together and active under circumstances that made it difficult to be together.

The event was an opportunity for you and your team to make time – 30 days to be exact – to prioritise mental and physical health as well as team building. For 30 days, you planned and implemented your activity goals, put training teams together, greased up your bike wheels and put on your running and walking shoes – all to get fit for homeless youth.

What came from this new event was the creation of an opportunity, a beacon to our industry to make time for yourselves (30 days to be exact) and prioritise your mental and physical health. For 30 days, you made activity plans, put training teams together, greased up your bike wheels to get fit for homeless youth.

Through the 30-Day Challenge, you managed to get active in more ways than one and impacted the lives of homeless youth through your champion level fundraising raising bringing over $320,000 for PIF House Projects in NSW, VIC and QLD.

many faces PIF

The Property Industry Foundation wants to challenge you once again. So get active for 30 days in the month of May (2 – 31). Even better, get active as a team. Get active in the name of team building, mental health, physical health but more importantly, to help young people that do not have a safe and secure place to call home.

Sign up

to the 30-Day Fitness Challenge as an individual or in a team.Register

laptop 30 day challenge

Tell everyone

about the Challenge and ask them to support you

Women Excercise

Walk, Run, Ride

or participate in your own activity to fundraising glory!

women running at sunset