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Home is where the heart is at the Sydney Autumn Home Show

Donate to the Property Industry Foundation at the Sydney Autumn Home Show from 21 – 23 May.

On any given night in NSW more than 9,000 young people (aged 12 to 24) are homeless. But that is the tip of the iceberg. The number of young people in NSW who are homeless on any given night has almost doubled over the last decade. This is not because of general population increase. The main reasons are the housing crisis, family and domestic violence, inadequate or inappropriate dwelling conditions and relationship/family breakdown.  Young people in NSW are more likely to experience homelessness now, than they were five years ago.[1]

Not every young person is able to live with their family and for many, foster families are not available. They need a safe and secure place to rebuild their lives. The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness. We bring together the property and construction industry to build homes for homeless youth through our PIF House Program.

The visitors and exhibitors at the Sydney Autumn Home Show this month can support the PIF House Dulwich Hill Renovation for Stepping Stone House. When the Property Industry Foundation commits to building for a charity, we raise funds for the entire build via fundraising events, corporate and individual donations. As the property and construction industry’s charity, we then approach major builders to build the house on a pro bono basis. These builders utilise their supply chain to contribute in-kind or discounted labour and goods.

This unique 50/50 building model effectively takes every $1 raised and doubles its value.

Home show display

“I firmly believe the youth of Australia are the future of tomorrow. By partnering with organisations that invest in helping disadvantaged youth, I believe together we can make a difference. Now more than ever, our home is our haven, our safe place and our shelter. Ensuring youth have a place to call home is fundamental in ensuring their security and happiness as well as a smooth transition into independent living,”

Jane Ford, Managing Director, Exhibitions and Events Australia, the organiser of The Home Show

The Sydney Autumn Home Show is the place to start when you are considering a home improvement project. There are hundreds of innovative home products, exclusive Show specials, Ask a pro on Houzz, FREE seminars, expert advice and some of the best homegrown Aussie renovation businesses. There will also be a selection of artwork available for purchase by the team at Book an Artist, with 30% of proceeds donated to the Property Industry Foundation. Find out more here. AND you can donate to the Property Industry Foundation to combat youth homelessness.

Click here to get your free ticket for Sydney Autumn Home Show

[1] yFoundations (Youth Homelessness in NSW peak body)