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“This is our second annual Graduate Community Project for the Property Industry Foundation, both for Lighthouse Foundation. We are passionate about giving back to our community and support the Foundation’s aim to break the cycle of homelessness in Australian youth.”

Luke Barton, Roberts Co

A volunteer team of Graduates from Roberts Co rolled up their sleeves for a productive weekend workerbee at a Haven House in Melbourne, a 5-bedroom mums and babies home, run by Lighthouse Foundation. Their primary goal for the day was to revitalise the external areas of the home, with a focus on the garden and repainting windows and doors in poor condition.

Enthusiastic volunteers accomplished an impressive array of tasks on a busy Saturday, including sanding and repainting external windows and doors, refurbishing the kitchen counter, clearing gutters, removing dead or unwanted plants and trees, and planting new greenery in the front yard. They also disassembled old play equipment and outdoor furniture and provided a new barbecue and trampoline, for the young residents to enjoy.

“The day was filled with excitement, enthusiasm and a real sense of community coming together to achieve something meaningful,” said Roberts Co Project Manager Ashlin Holdsworth. “The Roberts Co team thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was great to meet and work alongside some of the Lighthouse Foundation Committee members and be part of a project like this. The Roberts Co team also felt well supported by the various external companies, including Dulux who generously offered to assist us by donating various tools and materials allowing us to complete the workerbee.”

This important maintenance work will contribute to the longevity of the home, and create a more functional, comfortable outdoor space for the young people who call it their own. “The group’s energy, enthusiasm and willingness to get stuck in was great to watch and be part of,” said Charmaine White, Property & Asset Manager, Lighthouse Foundation. “It was amazing we got through everything in one day and it was lucky that we did, especially with the rain that came Sunday. We are so grateful for the gift of the tools and materials, barbeque, plants, trampoline, and Bunnings vouchers. The young people and their children love spending time in the garden, and this will make a huge difference to their wellbeing.”

The Roberts Co Graduate team came away from the day with a sense of accomplishment. “We were able to complete multiple tasks on the day, hopefully making a positive impact on the young people living in the home,” says Ashlin. “Upon completion of the workerbee, the Roberts Co Graduate team left feeling very pleased having had the opportunity to work together with Lighthouse Foundation on this project and look forward to more opportunities like this in the future.”

Thanks, Dulux!

Our supporters at Dulux generously provided all paint and accessories to complete the painting works at the Heathmont workerbee, ensuring the property is well maintained and stands the test of time. “We have had a long-standing working relationship with the Property Industry Foundation and Roberts Co, so working together on a community project like this was an easy choice,” said Tim Jamieson, National Commercial manager, Dulux. “We operate in the property industry and supporting community activity fits well with our businesses values, so it makes sense to work with partners in the property industry to help.”