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Be a gentleman and be for homeless youth on 8 May 2021 in Brisbane

The Gentlemen’s Ball Committee has chosen the Property Industry Foundation as its charity of choice for the 2021 Ball on 8 May 2021 in Brisbane. Established in 2003, the Gentlemen’s Ball is an opportunity for the upandcoming young men and women in the property and construction industry to get together and raise funds for charity. This year, the Ball is sponsored by Cornerstone Properties and is raising funds for homeless youth. 

Every night there are 4,500 young people in Queensland who are without safe and secure housing1Not every young person is able to live with their family and for many, foster families are not available. They need a safe and secure place to rebuild their lives. The Property Industry Foundation exists to solve this problem of youth homelessness.

Gentlemen's ball 2021 ticket

The money raised from the Gentelmen’s Ball will support the PIF House Brisbane where we bring the industry together to build homes for homeless youth.

“As the creator of new communities, our industry can and should play a role in addressing the issue of youth homelessness,” 

“This Ball is a great way our industry’s young change-makers to make a difference and help may young people in need.”

Kate Mills, CEO, Property Industry Foundation